logo-ami2iam-sales edition

In this Edition of Am I? to I Am! We Take the Goal Setting and Motivational Aspects of the Original Workshop and Apply them to the Sales Industry


I believe that no training is effective unless the core issues that drive motivation are addressed. Personal development will always trump sales techniques if those techniques are not congruent with an individual’s character. If there is no emotional shift, no shift in the core of the belief system...there is no change. Information, if not applied is useless. That is why this training goes beyond “word tracks” and engages the attendee as an individual and not as “just a salesperson”. By using an approach that addresses both the surface and underlying issues we are able to deliver lasting change and repeatable results for anyone who wants to advance their career in sales.

In this two-day event we will cover:

The sales equation - understanding the simple math of sales.
  • Creating and implementing a sales process.
  • The underlying reasons salespeople don’t accomplish their sales goals.
  • Understanding human motivation - a unique look at needs assessment.
  • Developing Rapport – creating a real connection.
  • Engaging customer emotion and understanding how they give themselves permission to buy.
  • Understanding buyer motivation - learning to sell the way your customer buys (stop trying to make them buy the way you sell)
  • Developing a “love” relationship with your customer - speaking their language - how to truly separate yourself from the crowd.
  • The single best technique to drastically reduce and even eliminate your biggest objections.

What You Get

Am I to I Am Pathways

That we will be referring to and working out of for the duration of the seminar.

Dream Book

Dream Book
To take with you and continue capturing and revising your goals and aspirations.


Daily Planner
This is our version of the ideal daily planner, including room for “inspired” to-do’s.

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On-Going Support
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    Jonathan Benjamin

    If you have the chance to work with or partner with Dave on any level, there’s just one thing to say- “Hell Yes.”

    Jonathan Benjamin
    CEO, Pulse Founder, Get Iconic

    Joby Teel

    David’s training helped our team develop the skills needed. We closed more deals as a direct result of his training.

    Joby Teel
    General Sales Manager AC Warehouse


    The “Am I to I Am” seminar is a life-changing experience. It is totally worth attending again and again.

    Bradenton, FL

    Trevor Richard

    I am proud to say that I now own my own successful business and my life is becoming more fun and meaningful everyday.

    Trevor Richard
    Owner, Patriot Home & Pest

    Trevor Richard

    It was great. I like his [David Rooks] passion for helping others. He really cares about helping other people. You can tell that he lives what he’s passionate about.

    Bradenton, FL

    Trevor Richard

    It wasn’t until after the “Am I to I Am” seminar that I had realized how my life’s “goals” were pretty askew. I realized that I didn’t want to make my mark on the world by how much money I could acquire, I wanted to leave it with my greatest contribution: my daughter. How she will grow up to be an awesome person because I was her awesome mother.

    Sarasota, FL